Audio is becoming a cost efficient way to relay short key messages as it saves paper and is more accessible.
Consider a series of short guides on how to clean and dispose of recycling items to avoid an entire collection from being tainted for waste, i.e. Often an incorrect or unclean item in a home recycling box can ‘corrupt’ the entire recycling box, sadly resulting it to default to landfill!
Back in the early days of digital media we worked on a series of short videos to promote recycling – focused on what and how to use local council waste service containers based in the home. The audio versions are generic in terms of still being applicable. Although not formatted as a traditional podcast, they could form part of series of useful guides and be further developed to become more impactful on the human psyche, for example: The journey of a plastic bottle to the sea and the impact it has on the environment. Or, even developed as learning guides for schools to inform us about the day in the life of a recycling plant, emphasising the criticality of their role.
We were encouraged to see a new podcast launched in Australia back in November 2021 entitled, ‘Recycle: Don’t Be A Waster’. Here’s an extract from the transcript and a link to the site where you can hear the pilot episode:
Hello and welcome to the first and probably much shorter episode of what we hope will be a regular podcast focused on all things all things recycling and all things waste industry all things you know a little bit environmental but more focusing on the recycling and the waste aspect of of that area.
… So I think we’re going to call our podcast Recycle: Don’t Be A Waster which basically is saying try to encourage people to recycle as much as possible and giving them tips, hints, hacks even – which I think is what the younger people call things and trying to provide that recycling information to people in as easy and an understandable and a clear method that people can listen to in the car or when they’re having a walk or whatever it is.
In terms of our work, at Castlab we’re appalled by the amount of waste paper generated by advertising campaigns both commercial and charity based. Podcasting is a great way to tell stories with smarter calls for action that are digital/online and totally green. Here are some examples we developed for a large London council:
Please contact us so that we can develop a podcast for your initiative, commercial, charity or council based – Think of the benefits of saving, the saving of our Planet…