This episode is from the Corporate Podcasting Show (launched back in 2007). It was was one of the early podcasts about doing podcasts!
This episode, explores the essential ingredients and to not only plan what to say but also how to say it. For example, considering your audience, marketing potential and practical applications.
“You need to invite us in, and the way you do that is by bringing us all along with your thought process. Round table podcasts do need to feel different than polished, heavily produced radio pieces. Slickness is the enemy, it keeps us listening at a far remove. We want to feel like we’re in the room with you. So by all means, prepare, and think about phrasing. But plan ways to say things that will open the discussion, not shut it down.”
Glen Weldon, Panellist for Pop Culture Happy Hour Podcast
The quote shows that podcasting is more than just recording into a microphone, pitching in front of a camera and hoping for the best. Consider that this podcast episode was first aired over 12 years ago – there is so much potential to assure an inclusive episode.