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Category: Podcasts

Excellence in Developing Podcasts

The Castlab Experience Podcast : Season 2 – Episode 4: How to Structure your Podcast – Guesting on Digital Rapport

This week we met Jatinder Palaha – Digital online strategist – who has helped a wide range of entrepreneurs and companies become digitally savvy with their presence both online and face-to-face.

The Castlab Experience Podcast : Season 2 – Episode 3: Meeting Top Digital Strategist Jatinder Palaha

This week we met Jatinder Palaha – Digital online strategist – who has helped a wide range of entrepreneurs and companies become digitally savvy with their presence both online and face-to-face.

The Castlab Experience Podcast : Season 2 – Episode 2: The Many Ps of Podcasting

This week drawing on a podcast that was posted a few years ago, we note that many of the Ps mentioned are still relevant and need considering today. 

Introducing the The Castlab Experience Podcast : Season 2 – Episode 1: Introduction

Join us every month for the definitive A to Z guide of Podcasting. Every month we bring you best practice with tools, techniques and featured transformational case studies to help you develop you business or charity based podcast. We consider each knowledge nugget as part of your essential guide to developing an effective communication strategy…
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