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The Castlab Experience Podcast : Season 2 – Episode 3: Meeting Top Digital Strategist Jatinder Palaha

Excellence in Developing Podcasts

This week we met Jatinder Palaha – Digital online strategist – who has helped a wide range of entrepreneurs and companies become digitally savvy with their presence both online and face-to-face.

He shares hints and tips of how to connect and develop great business opportunities – this is especially important as a global community we become more connected virtually. We cover 3 main areas:

Digital Product Strategies

How do we manage complementary Product content? For example, how both podcasts and blogging can make an impact amongst the wider noise of the the Internet!

Jatinder shares case studies of working and effective digital strategies, including key steps for an effective online digital presence

Check out Episode 3 via the following link:

Episode 2 : The Many Ps of Podcasting