Originally aired as a series of 10 podcasts from 2018-2019, this podcast focused on opportunities for employees to share their passion for developing new innovations. We worked with a major Pharmaceutical company using our 4 Ps methodology: Prepare, Produce, Perfect and Post. It was for internal consumption / audience purposes and was recognised as an innovative way to share featured projects, best practice and feedback from staff attending external conferences.
Whereas typically status reports are issued using spreadsheets for corporate projects, podcasts offer an exciting opportunity to extend an organisations communication reach. Its great to add a podcast publishing schedule to an organisations communication strategy – often outlined in a communication matrix tool or strategy. Our advice is that…
A Corporations communication matrix must be inclusive, respect accessibility standards and focused on key messages. There’s no point in reading bullet points. What really works is engaging with project contributors and replaying concerns and risk containment strategies.
Other opportunities exist around recording sound bites at conferences and courses (with permission) together with a perspective from the presenter or podcast anchor.
Furthermore, the use of ambient sounds, analogies and competitor observations can make an episode truly engaging, providing / facilitating essential food for thought.